These days, CBD is everywhere, and the hype isn’t going away any time soon. But could it actually help your running routine? There is evidence that it might be advantageous for runners before and after workouts, but how? In the sections below, we go in-depth on CBD for runners and cover everything you need to know to use CBD to maximize the benefits of your next run.


Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is a non-euphoric cannabinoid that is present in hemp and cannabis but does not make you feel high. It is most frequently produced from hemp that has been grown expressly for supplements and other uses.

Additionally, as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC, it is entirely lawful in the United States—unlike THC. CBD products won’t have any intoxication effects at that dose. Furthermore, the World Health Organization stresses that CBD is harmless. ¹ Even so, they claimed “CBD has an excellent safety profile and is typically well tolerated. CBD and patients’ preexisting drugs may interact, leading to the reported negative consequences.” They said, “Cannabidiol does not appear to have abuse potential or cause harm in its pure condition.” ²

You may have noticed as a runner that the World Anti-Doping Agency has long forbidden athletes from using CBD. ³ However, because of the potential therapeutic advantages it might provide athletes, it was eliminated in 2019. As a result, CBD might be a secure, non-addictive substance that has a special function in the body, especially for athletes who engage in strenuous activities like running.


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) that is present throughout our bodies and interacts with CBD closely. The ECS is in charge of controlling a variety of automatic bodily functions, such as your sleep-wake cycle, mood, appetite, immune system activity, and reactions to inflammation and pain.

Endocannabinoids, also known as natural cannabinoids, are already abundantly produced by your body on its own. Endocannabinoids are chemical messengers that the ECS utilizes to communicate with different bodily systems in an effort to maintain the body’s equilibrium and optimal performance. On a fundamental level, CBD can enhance your ECS. As a cannabinoid, CBD interacts with your ECS’s endocannabinoid receptors and binds to them, which may help it cause a balanced state (or homeostasis).

For instance, some research indicate that the magnificent runner’s high is brought on by the ECS.  Running puts your body through a lot of stress, so your ECS goes into overdrive to help you maintain balance so you can feel your best while going through that stress—like a little reward for putting in work, even if it’s the body reacting to trauma.

The release of anandamide, an endocannabinoid also known as the happiness molecule, which is the cause of that runner’s high and which makes you feel cognitively uplifted despite being in so much pain, is triggered when you are running because your ECS needs to maintain balance.

When you train for a marathon sprint or run long distances, you run the risk of experiencing more inflammation than your ECS can handle. That’s where CBD is useful. Incorporating a small amount of CBD into the mix may assist the ECS keep up with the trauma as it helps maintain balance because your body produces plenty of endocannabinoids on its own. This ‘homeostasis’ is essential for both general health and a quick recovery from a run.



Due to its interactions with the ECS, CBD has a lot of potential for runners. It’s vital to talk about running in general before we go into all that. The body is under a lot of strain when running. Injuries are frequent since it’s a weight-bearing, repeated workout that requires you to work against gravity. Repetitive weight-based stress to the knees, shins, and foot is a common cause of running injuries. You are more likely to sustain problems like runner’s knee, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and shin splints if you run frequently without slowing down.

But running still has more advantages than not running. Running builds stronger muscles, joints, and bones while enhancing cardiovascular health. Running can extend your total life expectancy by lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease and other physical problems, according to one study. More importantly, though, it’s advantageous to your mental health. Since running can cause the release of endorphins and endocannabinoids, the unique experience of a runner’s high aids in keeping you relaxed despite the discomfort.

That’s exactly how CBD enters the picture. Despite the lack of research on CBD’s possible advantages, studies indicate that CBD’s impact on the ECS may be able to aid runners and athletes cope with a range of stressors associated with running.


To begin with, CBD might be a strong anti-inflammatory. Your muscles start to ache as you run. In an effort to protect them, this causes an inflammatory response in the body. Additionally, you can feel pain when running, especially if you’re an endurance athlete or you like to run on trails, which can put additional strain on your knees, shins, and joints. In order to lessen the discomfort and inflammatory reactions that might keep you from setting a new personal record, CBD may interact with the ECS.

According to research, CBD may aid in a quick recovery by easing the inflammation and muscular aches that occur shortly after jogging. With less inflammation, your muscles may heal more quickly, allowing you to resume running as hard and as quickly as you’d like.


Running requires rest. Knowing how to relax for sleep is crucial whenever you experience such high levels of physical stress since sleep is necessary for recuperation. Your muscles can repair themselves while you sleep, preparing you for the day ahead. Rest is necessary if you want to have the energy to run the next day, as is obvious. You can feel less strong and be able to run for shorter distances if you don’t get enough sleep.

Additionally, studies show that CBD may help you better manage typical sources of insomnia, such as stress, anxiety, and pain, even though it isn’t a magic sleep-inducing drug.  It might ease your anxiety and stress levels, possibly stilling your mind long enough for you to get some rest. It may be simpler to fall asleep if you use products like CBD sleep capsules to help lessen some of the uncomfortable symptoms of chronic pain and inflammation after your workout.


While CBD won’t make you buzzy, it might aid with exercise anxiety or lack of motivation. Nerves may really ruin your attitude, especially if you’re new to jogging. Evidence, however, suggests that the interactions between CBD and your ECS may promote an increase in motivation and a decrease in anxiety, which may make you feel more confident about putting in the effort and hitting that home run. In light of this, taking CBD before a run may be beneficial for easing into the proper frame of mind for devoting time and energy to your workout regimen.

Aside from managing the discomfort that contributes to poor sleep (and eventually a foul mood) when taken after an exercise, CBD may also assist the ECS in triggering that runner’s high during a workout.



The optimal time to consume CBD products depends on the positive effect you’re looking for, regardless of whether you’re a professional athlete or just concerned about your health and exercise. In actuality, CBD may be beneficial before, during, and after a run. But in reality, how you use CBD will depend entirely on your unique preferences and goals. It makes the most sense to take it before your run if you’re interested in how it can improve your attitude and motivation.

Let’s say you’re curious about CBD’s ability to help with pain and inflammation management; it would probably still make sense to take it prior to exercise so you can benefit from its therapeutic potential both before and during your workout. Finally, if your primary goal in using CBD is to recover more quickly, ease any pain from previously healed injuries, or perhaps improve your sleep, you should probably take it after your workout.

Overall, CBD has shown great promise as a helpful supplement for running regimens at any point in your training or recovery. Before working out, choosing CBD tinctures, softgels, CBD capsules, or gummies may provide you with the extra push you require. But when the soreness and inflammation have already begun, CBD topicals like creams, balms, oils, and lotions are probably the most effective at helping the body heal.


You’re in good hands with Hemperial CBD if you’re prepared to explore using CBD as a supplement to help your running routine. It’s important to do your research and only select high-quality, third-party tested CBD from a reliable supplier, just like with any other supplement you could take—from multivitamins to CBD softgels, CBD gummies, CBD tinctures, or other CBD products. Since we started in 2018, our entire line of efficient CBD products have been evaluated (with the results for each product being easily accessible on our website for interested clients).

Finding reputable businesses with nothing to hide is essential in a market when it seems like a new brand is created every day. Hemperial CBD is dedicated to doing what is best for both our devoted consumers and the earth we all share since quality doesn’t compromise.

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